Friday, June 17, 2005

Here are some Medical Abstracts reposted from an email sent to the DFLA yahoo group regarding the lack of evidence that the Morning After Pill will cause an abortion after fertilization (their evidence says that it won't).

Anyways, this does not change my unwavering opposition to birth control, but, it does show that abortion is not committed as much as some pro-lifers care to admit.

An open mind reading and digesting all facts and evidence makes our pro-life argument that much stronger.


From: Je
Date: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:09 pm
Subject: Morning-After Pill studies

Here are the abstracts for the studies I referred to which suggest that the morning-after pill (or at least, levonorgestrel) does not have an abortifacient effect.

Contraception. 2003 May;67(5):415-9.
Postcoital treatment with levonorgestrel does not disrupt postfertilization events in the rat.
Muller AL, Llados CM, Croxatto HB. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Unidad de Reproduccion y Desarrollo, Av. Alameda Bernardo O'Higgins 340, Santiago, Chile.

Levonorgestrel (LNG), a progestin widely used for regular hormonal contraception, is also used for emergency contraception (EC) to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. However, its mode of action in EC is only partially understood. One unresolved question is whether or not EC prevents pregnancy by interfering with post fertilization events. Here, we report the effects of acute treatment with LNG upon ovulation, fertilization and implantation in the rat. LNG inhibited ovulation totally or partially, depending on the timing of treatment and/or total dose administered, whereas it had no effect on fertilization or implantation when it was administered shortly before or after mating, or before implantation. It is concluded that acute postcoital administration of LNG at doses several-fold higher than those used for EC in women, which are able to inhibit ovulation, had no postfertilization effect that impairs fertility in the rat.

Hum Reprod. 2004 Jun;19(6):1352-6. Epub 2004 Apr 22.
Post-coital administration of levonorgestrel does not interfere with post-fertilization events in the new-world monkey Cebus apella.
Ortiz ME, Ortiz RE, Fuentes MA, Parraguez VH, Croxatto HB.Unit of Reproductive Biology and Development, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Catholic University of Chile, Chile. mortiz@...

BACKGROUND: Experimental evidence to disprove the belief that emergency contraception with levonorgestrel (LNG) prevents pregnancy by interfering with post-fertilization events is lacking. Here we determined the effect of post-coital and pre-ovulatory administration of LNG on fertility and ovulation, respectively, in the Cebus monkey. METHODS: To determine the effect on fertility, LNG 0.75 mg or vehicle were administered orally or s.c. once or twice within the first 24 h after mating occurring very close to the time of ovulation. Females that became pregnant were aborted with mifepristone and re-entered the study after aresting cycle until each of 12 females had contributed, in a randomized order, two LNG and two vehicle-treated cycles. To determine the effect on ovulation, LNG 0.75 mg or vehicle were injected twice coinciding with follicles smaller or larger than 5 mm in diameter. Six females contributed five treated cycles each.

RESULTS: The pregnancy rate was identical in vehicle- and LNG-treated cycles. LNG inhibited or delayed ovulation only when treatment coincided with a follicle <5 mm diameter.

CONCLUSION: In Cebus monkeys, LNG can inhibit or delay ovulation but, once fertilization has taken place, it cannot prevent the establishment of pregnancy. These findings do not support the hypothesis that emergency contraception with LNG prevents pregnancy by interfering with post-fertilization events.

Contraception. 2004 Dec;70(6):442-50.
Pituitary-ovarian function following the standard levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive dose or a single 0.75-mg dose given on the days preceding ovulation.
Croxatto HB, Brache V, Pavez M, Cochon L, Forcelledo ML, Alvarez F,Massai R, Faundes A, Salvatierra AM.
Instituto Chileno de Medicina Reproductiva, J. V. Lastarria 29, Department 101, Santiago, Chile. hbcroxatto@...

We assessed to what extent the standard dose of levonorgestrel (LNG),used for emergency contraception, or a single dose (half dose), given in the follicular phase, affects the ovulatory process during the ensuing 5-day period. Fifty-eight women were divided into three groups according to timing of treatment. Each woman contributed with three treatment cycles separated by resting cycles. All received placebo in one cycle, and standard or single dose in two other cycles, in a randomized order. The diameter of the dominant follicle determined the time of treatment. Each woman had the same diameter assigned for all her treatments. Diameters were grouped into 33 categories: 12-14, 15-17 or 18-20 mm. Follicular rupture failed to occur during the 5-day period in 44%, 50% and 36% ofcycles with the standard, half dose and placebo, respectively. Ovulatory dysfunction, characterized by follicular rupture associated with absent, blunted or mistimed gonadotropin surge, occurred in 35%, 36% and 5% of standard, single dose or placebo cycles, respectively.

In conclusion, LNG can disrupt the ovulatory process in 93% of cycles treated when the diameter of the dominant follicle is between 12 and 17 mm. It is highly probable that this mode of action fully accounts for the contraceptive efficacy as well as the failure rate of this method. The present data suggest that half the dose may be as effective as the standard dose. (This one isn't a study in itself, but is a literature review which summarizes the results of a number of other studies. I read the review inf ull, and it appears that the abstract is not entirely accurate. It seems to me that mifepristone does have post-fertilization effects, although none are noted for levonorgestrel)

Hum Reprod Update. 2004 Jul-Aug;10(4):341-8.
Mechanisms of action of mifepristone and levonorgestrel when used for emergency contraception.
Gemzell-Danielsson K, Marions L.Department of Woman and Child Health, Division of Obstetrics andGynecology, Karolinska Hospital/Institute, S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden.kristina.gemzell@...

An emergency contraceptive method is used after coitus but before pregnancy occurs. The use of emergency contraception is largely under-utilized worldwide. One of the main barriers to widespread use is concern about the mechanism of action. Recently, treatment with either 10 mg mifepristone or 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel has emerged as the most effective hormonal method for emergency contraception with very low side-effects. However, the knowledge of the mechanism of action of mifepristone and levonorgestrel in humans, when used for contraceptive purposes and especially for emergency contraception, remains incomplete. The objective of this review is to summarize available data on the effects of mifepristone and levonorgestrel on female reproductive functions relevant to the emergency use of the compounds. When summarized, available data from studies in humans indicate that the contraceptive effects of both levonorgestrel and mifepristone, when used in single low doses for emergency contraception, involve either blockade or delay of ovulation, due to either prevention or delay of the LH surge, rather than to inhibition of implantation.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

A forward from Ross Heckman of the Democrats For Life where the Southern Baptists actually are commending 14 Pro-Life Democrat congressmen. Without these congressmen, this legislation would have been closer to veto proof.

Lets hear it for those brave Democrats willing to stand up for principle.

LIFE DIGEST: Judge warns of chaotic reasoning in abortion ruling;

ERLC, others commend House Dems for pro-life votes

By: Tom Strode Visit for the latest news from Baptist Press!

[snip]THANKS TO PRO-LIFE DEMS -- Southern Baptist ethics specialist Richard Land and 25 others have expressed their gratitude to the 14 Democrats in the House of Representatives who voted against a bill to fund destructive embryonic stem cell research. In a June 13 letter, Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission ,and his co-signers applauded the Democrats, plus a Republican, for their "commitment to defend the voiceless by opposing [the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act]. As the debate rages on, we will be depending on you to help save these human beings in their earliest stages of development by voting in favor of promising, ethical stem cell research and against destructive stem cell research.

"The House passed the bill in a 238-194 vote May 24, with 187 Democrats, 50 Republicans and an independent favoring H.R. 810. The measure would change President Bush's policy to fund research that uses embryos left over at in vitro fertilization clinics. The president's rule allows funding for research only on embryonic stem cell lines already in existence prior to his August 2001 announcement of the policy.Bush has promised he will veto the bill if it reaches his desk.

The House fell about 50 votes short of the two-thirds majority that would be needed to override a veto. The Democrats who voted against the bill were Reps. Jerry Costello of Illinois, Lincoln Davis of Tennessee, Tim Holden of Pennsylvania, Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, Dale Kildee of Michigan, Dan Lipinski of Illinois, Jim Marshall of Georgia, Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, James Oberstar of Minnesota, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Nick Rahall of West Virginia, Bart Stupak of Michigan and Gene Taylor of Mississippi. The letter also went to Missouri Republican Kenny Hulshof, who resisted pressure to vote for the measure.

Among those signing onto the ERLC letter with Land were Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association; D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries; Douglas Johnson of National Right to Life Committee; Paul Weyrich of Coalitions for America; Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum; Richard Cizik of the National Association of Evangelicals; Carrie Gordon Earll of Focus on the Family; Rick Scarborough of Vision America; Gary Cass of Center for Reclaiming America; and William Murray of Religious Freedom Coalition. The House-approved measure has a Senate companion bill with 38 cosponsors.

Stem cells are the body's master cells that can develop into other cells and tissues, providing hope for the treatment of numerous afflictions. In addition to being extracted from embryos, the cells may be found in such non-embryonic sources as bone marrow, fat and placentas, as well as umbilical cord blood. In embryonic stem cell research, embryos in normally the first week of life are destroyed when stem cells are extracted from them. Embryonic stem cell research has failed to produce any successful therapies in human beings and has been plagued by the development of tumors in lab animals. Meanwhile, research on stem cells from non-embryonic sources has produced treatments for at least 58 ailments, according to the National Right to Life Committee. These include spinal cord injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and sickle cell anemia.[snip]

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life finally rises above partisanship, if only a little, to commend the 95-10 initiative being sponsored by Democrats For Life of America.

As Oklahoma State Representative Rebecca Hamilton writes "I think this is a great article that we should view with pride. As a Catholic, I've been concerned about Fr Pavonne's obvious partisanship. What I've experienced lately here in Oklahoma has convinced me that at least some of the leaders in the pro life movement are a lot more concerned with protecting the interests of the Republican party than they are about protecting the sanctity of human life. It's nice to see the good father display a more balanced view."

Below is a copy of the news release from Priests For Life. Soon enough the Democratic Party will recognize the value of unborn individuals.

Priests for Life's Fr. Pavone Commends Pro-Life Democrats

To: National Desk
Contact: Jerry Horn of Priests for Life, 540-785-4733

WASHINGTON, May 16 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone, national director
of Priests for Life, recently spoke at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the
Democratic National Committee in regard to the "95-10" Initiative to reduce the
numbers of abortions.

This initiative, introduced by Democrats for Life of America, enjoys the support of
a number of pro-life Democrats in Congress. Fr. Pavone issued the following

"For many years, I have seen Democrats for Life as a critically important strategic part of the pro-life movement. A pro-life stance is far more consistent with principles Democrats claim to hold than is a pro-abortion stance. Moreover, it is always important that the pro-life movement and the Church not be identified exclusively with one or another political party, for the simple reason that the right to life is rooted in human nature and the nature of God, not political platforms.

"For that reason, it is critical that the Democratic Party free itself from the stranglehold of the abortion lobby. Attempts like the 95-10 initiative can help in that effort. I support, in principle, efforts of the pro-life Democrats to reducethe numbers of abortions. That does not mean that the specific proposals in this initiative do not need further refinement, debate, and modification; they do, and undoubtedly, that is what will happen. But the debate must start somewhere, and the introduction of this initiative will accomplish that.

"There is, in fact, a sincere desire on the part of many pro-life Democratic legislators to reduce the numbers of abortions. At the same time, there is a desperate effort on the part of pro-abortion Democrats to hide the extremism of the party on this issue, without actually changing it. Priests for Life challenges Democrats and Republicans alike to resist the temptation to dodge the abortion issue. Abortion is an act of violence that contradicts not only what a political party should stand for, but what America already stands for -- the equal dignity of every human life. Abortion must not only be limited; it must be ended."

For more information, visit

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Is the birth control pill abortifacient? A well researched paper argues that not all BCPs are created equal.

For your perusal, a very well written, well reasearched article about the abortifacient effects of the "Pill" from a staunchly pro-life obstetrics and gynecologic medical society.

Because of this enlightening article and the very thorough research behind it, we can now approach the issue of hormonal contraceptives and actually make the DFLA's 95-10 initiative palatable to many more people.

In my own life, I form my opinions based on information from all sides of an issue. I have had much difficulty with hormonal birth control because of the percieved abortifacient effect. Now that there is a well researched paper with documentation and citations to support that Combination Birth Control is NOT abortifacient, I can now include it as an alternative to abortion when I speak to people and still be safe in my own moral standing and belief system.

From my strong Catholic Faith, I believe that all Birth Control is wrong, but, when I speak to others I always base all the information and arguments presented from an ethical standpoint, not a religous one.

In the Pro-Life cause, while religion is important to most people, it is not necessary to base the unwavering opposition to abortion (or any affront to life like hunger, war, Capital Punishment) on a religous basis. The ethical and humanistic arguments are evidence enough that they are wrong.

P.S. for the 1st time in many years we actually have a pro-life democrat running for governor (Kaine, who is also a Catholic who has done missionary work) as well as a pro-life democrat running for Lt. Governor (Phil Puckett). The reason I mention this is because today is primary day in Virginia.
Lets put more effort into ADULT stem cell research before we start killing the unborn to "harvest" their stem cells.

The results of ADULT stem cell research are around us every day.

Unborn individuals DO NOT have to die in order to do this life saving research.

Stem cells are everywehere in our bodies, blood, marrow, organs, even skin.

This story is about a local boy who is successfully being treated with his own stem cells after suffering from Crohn's disease for many years. A worthy read of any. Pasted below, copyright reserved to the original copyright holder. Posted here according to "Fair Use" laws.

Boy doing well after stem-cell transplant

By Jeff Sturgeon 981-3251The Roanoke Times

An ailing Roanoke teenager told a Web audience Sunday from a hospital in North Carolina that he has successfully completed a stem-cell transplant to try to reverse a bad case of Crohn's disease. It could be many months or even years before doctors know if Jordan Fifer can live Crohn's-free, but a major hurdle has been cleared. I could get out of this joint by the end of the week," the 15-year-old wrote Sunday from Duke University Medical Center in Durham.

Jordan, a computer buff who is keeping an online journal of his medical odyssey, isn't out of the woods yet. He will live with his mother, Hope Trachtenberg-Fifer, in Durham for several months of follow-up care. He expects to be home in time this fall to start his junior year at Patrick Henry High School.

When he arrived in Durham in April, he was suffering from a severe case of Crohn's, an inflammatory bowel disease that's considered incurable. Symptoms include stomachaches, diarrhea, internal and rectal bleeding, fatigue, fever and weight loss, among other problems. Merely eating a meal can cause a flare-up. Having received little relief from drugs, Jordan enlisted university doctors to try to restart his malfunctioning immune system using a bone marrow stem-cell transplant, a procedure routinely used to treat immune system diseases. Its use against Crohn's is considered experimental and still high-risk.

Doctors first harvested and set aside some of Jordan's own stem cells. They then deleted his immune system with chemotherapy and reinjected the stem cells. Doctors then watched carefuly to see whether Jordan's body would accept the transplant and whether the stem cells would begin producing new blood cells. Doctors told Jordan on Sunday that he had reached that milestone, known as engraftment.

As he worked through those various steps and described them in postings during the past three weeks, Jordan recounted bone pain that he called "horrible," "really horrible" and "absolutely horrible." Sunday, he wrote: "I've been feeling great - today I got a two hour 'pass' to leave the hospital and go take a shower at the apartment. I had to wear my mask, but that is no major deal because I have to anyway in the halls and lounge and all or whenever I leave my room. So that was nice. No IV to deal with for a little while. Now I am back hooked up, my dad (who was here for the weekend) just left, and I am going to watch the Simpsons in a little bit."
Jordan's dad, Gary Fifer, called the results wonderful. Engraftment "is happening ahead of the schedule and is happening much stronger than might have been expected at this point in time," Fifer said. "Now we have to say, 'OK, is that going to benefit the disease?'"

The transplant is supposed to enable Jordan to grow a new immune system without the affliction that is believed to cause Crohn's. However, doctors won't know whether he is well until after he resumes eating regularly and is weaned off drugs that could be masking the disease if it is still present. Jordan, who has had Crohn's for five years, was the first person to have a stem-cell transplant at Duke to address Crohn's.

A yard sale-type fundraiser to help defray the family's expenses has been scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 9 outside the Kroger at Towers Shopping Center, where Jordan used to work.

On the Net:

His blog is at: