Thursday, June 16, 2005

A forward from Ross Heckman of the Democrats For Life where the Southern Baptists actually are commending 14 Pro-Life Democrat congressmen. Without these congressmen, this legislation would have been closer to veto proof.

Lets hear it for those brave Democrats willing to stand up for principle.

LIFE DIGEST: Judge warns of chaotic reasoning in abortion ruling;

ERLC, others commend House Dems for pro-life votes

By: Tom Strode Visit for the latest news from Baptist Press!

[snip]THANKS TO PRO-LIFE DEMS -- Southern Baptist ethics specialist Richard Land and 25 others have expressed their gratitude to the 14 Democrats in the House of Representatives who voted against a bill to fund destructive embryonic stem cell research. In a June 13 letter, Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission ,and his co-signers applauded the Democrats, plus a Republican, for their "commitment to defend the voiceless by opposing [the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act]. As the debate rages on, we will be depending on you to help save these human beings in their earliest stages of development by voting in favor of promising, ethical stem cell research and against destructive stem cell research.

"The House passed the bill in a 238-194 vote May 24, with 187 Democrats, 50 Republicans and an independent favoring H.R. 810. The measure would change President Bush's policy to fund research that uses embryos left over at in vitro fertilization clinics. The president's rule allows funding for research only on embryonic stem cell lines already in existence prior to his August 2001 announcement of the policy.Bush has promised he will veto the bill if it reaches his desk.

The House fell about 50 votes short of the two-thirds majority that would be needed to override a veto. The Democrats who voted against the bill were Reps. Jerry Costello of Illinois, Lincoln Davis of Tennessee, Tim Holden of Pennsylvania, Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, Dale Kildee of Michigan, Dan Lipinski of Illinois, Jim Marshall of Georgia, Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, James Oberstar of Minnesota, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Nick Rahall of West Virginia, Bart Stupak of Michigan and Gene Taylor of Mississippi. The letter also went to Missouri Republican Kenny Hulshof, who resisted pressure to vote for the measure.

Among those signing onto the ERLC letter with Land were Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association; D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries; Douglas Johnson of National Right to Life Committee; Paul Weyrich of Coalitions for America; Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum; Richard Cizik of the National Association of Evangelicals; Carrie Gordon Earll of Focus on the Family; Rick Scarborough of Vision America; Gary Cass of Center for Reclaiming America; and William Murray of Religious Freedom Coalition. The House-approved measure has a Senate companion bill with 38 cosponsors.

Stem cells are the body's master cells that can develop into other cells and tissues, providing hope for the treatment of numerous afflictions. In addition to being extracted from embryos, the cells may be found in such non-embryonic sources as bone marrow, fat and placentas, as well as umbilical cord blood. In embryonic stem cell research, embryos in normally the first week of life are destroyed when stem cells are extracted from them. Embryonic stem cell research has failed to produce any successful therapies in human beings and has been plagued by the development of tumors in lab animals. Meanwhile, research on stem cells from non-embryonic sources has produced treatments for at least 58 ailments, according to the National Right to Life Committee. These include spinal cord injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and sickle cell anemia.[snip]

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