Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life finally rises above partisanship, if only a little, to commend the 95-10 initiative being sponsored by Democrats For Life of America.

As Oklahoma State Representative Rebecca Hamilton writes "I think this is a great article that we should view with pride. As a Catholic, I've been concerned about Fr Pavonne's obvious partisanship. What I've experienced lately here in Oklahoma has convinced me that at least some of the leaders in the pro life movement are a lot more concerned with protecting the interests of the Republican party than they are about protecting the sanctity of human life. It's nice to see the good father display a more balanced view."

Below is a copy of the news release from Priests For Life. Soon enough the Democratic Party will recognize the value of unborn individuals.

Priests for Life's Fr. Pavone Commends Pro-Life Democrats

To: National Desk
Contact: Jerry Horn of Priests for Life, 540-785-4733

WASHINGTON, May 16 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone, national director
of Priests for Life, recently spoke at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the
Democratic National Committee in regard to the "95-10" Initiative to reduce the
numbers of abortions.

This initiative, introduced by Democrats for Life of America, enjoys the support of
a number of pro-life Democrats in Congress. Fr. Pavone issued the following

"For many years, I have seen Democrats for Life as a critically important strategic part of the pro-life movement. A pro-life stance is far more consistent with principles Democrats claim to hold than is a pro-abortion stance. Moreover, it is always important that the pro-life movement and the Church not be identified exclusively with one or another political party, for the simple reason that the right to life is rooted in human nature and the nature of God, not political platforms.

"For that reason, it is critical that the Democratic Party free itself from the stranglehold of the abortion lobby. Attempts like the 95-10 initiative can help in that effort. I support, in principle, efforts of the pro-life Democrats to reducethe numbers of abortions. That does not mean that the specific proposals in this initiative do not need further refinement, debate, and modification; they do, and undoubtedly, that is what will happen. But the debate must start somewhere, and the introduction of this initiative will accomplish that.

"There is, in fact, a sincere desire on the part of many pro-life Democratic legislators to reduce the numbers of abortions. At the same time, there is a desperate effort on the part of pro-abortion Democrats to hide the extremism of the party on this issue, without actually changing it. Priests for Life challenges Democrats and Republicans alike to resist the temptation to dodge the abortion issue. Abortion is an act of violence that contradicts not only what a political party should stand for, but what America already stands for -- the equal dignity of every human life. Abortion must not only be limited; it must be ended."

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