Thursday, June 09, 2005

The opening salvos of lies coming from the right in the gubernatorial race in our great commonwealth is very disheartening, especially at this very early stage.

Jerry Kiilgore is intent on mudslinging and ducking every oppourtunity for meaningful debate presented to him by Tim Kaine. Kilgore even goes so far as to say that Kaine has maligned Kilgore's accent. This should not be a surprise to those of us who follow the news and are aware of the shoddy and just barely above-legal tactics the Republican Party in Virginia uses. We don't have to think far back in time to when they tried to take down the esteemed John Warner because he refused to support the triple felon (overturned on technicalities) Oliver North when he tried to run for Senate back in the 90's. Nor do we need any reminder that they actually tried to get the political boundaries redrawn so that the same thrice convicted felon might actually get a chance to run against Boucher for the ninth congressional seat.

And these people call them selves the party of faith and the faithful?

Kilgores statements for the most part need to characterized for what they are, lies, and trivial lies at that. Kaine expanded Richmond's tax base and as a result, property values went up; Kilgore lied and said that was a tax raise. Maybe it was, but not as a result of the good work Kaine did for that beleaguered city.

The worse lie that the Kilgore camp has perpetrated is that Kaine is a liberal who supports abortion. Kaine is a conscientous Consistent Life Catholic. That puts him squarely in a superior moral position above Kilgore who has the bloodlust to expand capital offenses, as if we don't kill enough people in this state. Consistent Life means no abortion, no capital punishment, no FETAL stem cell research, no eauthanasia and an end to optional war. It also requires an opposition to sexism, rascism, and a true demand for a living wage and access to health care regardless of ability to pay.

I ask, which side is Kilgore on? Us virginians, or those of his big business friends?

Virginians get a chance to decide on November 8, 2005.


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