Sunday, August 08, 2004

This is third in a series of conversations regarding the morality of the Morning After Pill. The original discussion can be found at

Many times it is human intervention that causes a spontaneous abortion. There have been studies shown that having the flu can cause a spontaneous abortion. And we know what alcohol does to a fetus, smoking does even worse restricting oxygen flow to no more than 65% of what it should be when reaching the fetus.

As to the question of wether oral birth control pills are abortion, in almost all cases ovulation is prevented, hence no fertilization, no need for abortion. Pills do have a second action of making the uterus not have sufficient lining to allow implantation to occur if in some rare chance ovulation occured and there was fertilzation. I am against contraception, let me make that clear, because we have all the tools necessary to plan wether a pregnancy can occur or not. Each month there are at most 3-4 days of fertility for a woman. If she knew her cycles and maybe took the 20 seconds each day to take her temperature and chart, the she would know her fertile period. It should be little hardship to abstain during this period. There are other loving things that can be done in this time...

My faith tells me that contraception is wrong, and I agree, for myself. But what I don't believe is my place is to outlaw contraception like the extreme right wingers represented by pResident Bush want to. Each person will answer for their decisions. But here again, NFP is as effective as any contraception if a couple is educated in it and they chart regularly and abstain when needed. Oral contaception may be made more palatable if it would unfailingly prevent ovulation, thus not needing the backup of a lack of uterine supporting tissue. But here one has to remember that the human female body was made to ovulate once a month, preventing that as oral contraceptives do, causes lots of health issues like increased risk of cancer, weight gain, mood swings, etc.

Does it sound like I am a hearty advocate of NFP? My most important mission in life is to prevent abortion. If I have to not know all of people's circumanstances, then contraception may be appropriate for them, but Iwill advocate NFP over contraception unfailingly. Also, everyone here should be reminded of the consistent life ethic and vote this year where they see the least harm done to ALL life, because abortion is not the only way to kill people.


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